Cities That COULD Disappear Before 2200

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Not every city that was built was meant to last forever and there are many abandoned places across the world that seemed prosperous enough to last forever. Due to the unpredictability of natural disasters and limited resources some of these places were about to mention could be the next to go. From some places around the world that will eventually sink into the ocean, to other places that will eventually be a victim of a volcanic explosion here are cities that will disappear by 2200.

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6.New Orleans
New Orleans is one of America’s most historic cities and could become history within the next century. But it’s not just the spooky cemeteries and old buildings you can explore in this town. Hurricane Katrina unleashed her fury on the Big Easy in 2005 and you can still experience some of the damage on Google Earth. Some parts are still in the reconstruction process but many hard hit areas still appear to look like ghost towns. New Orleans also has the major setback of having an extremely low elevation and built on marshy soil, it will only continue to sink for the rest of it’s time on earth or until it’s eventually underwater.Reminders of the devastating hurricane like this abandoned house are scattered throughout, but if you explore enough, you’ll certainly find em! Checking out Flood Street is a good place to start

5.Las Vegas
Lake Mead in Nevada dropping to extreme lows and has dramatically shrunk over the past 15 years.. In this photo you can easily see where the water levels once were in 1936. The lake has lost more than half of its water is only at about 37 percent capacity. The population in this desert city has exploded as well and many wonder if the lake will be gone by the year 2200 if not sooner. Of course if it gets too low, people will be forced to use less water. The white parts of the lake is what’s known as a bathtub ring and is created from deposited minerals that were on previously submerged surfaces. It could be a matter of only a few decades until this lake has completely vanished, wiping out Las Vegas’ water supply.

Miami has been hit by hurricanes before in the past and somehow has managed to survive being completely flooded. But when will this multicultural hotspot be hit by one that’s big enough to completely destroy it! The city of miami and miami beach sit at an extremely low elevation which was basically swampland before people decided to show up. Many people take the risk of living in this infamous beach town, trying to forget that one big storm could bring their demise. Streets miami beach are already beginning to flood during high tide. Many believe that even if predictions about rising sea levels are wrong, miami could become uninhabitable in 100 years or less. Might as well just party it up before the ocean reclaims her territory!

3.Ivanovo, Russia
Once the district capital city of Ivanovo Oblast, this city was commonly refered to as the city of brides due to it’s unbalanced female to male ratio here. It was home to many textile factories which brought in a lot of women for work but as the soviet union crumbled, Ivanova went into decline. When they had to compete with china, there were less jobs available, so people began to seek work elsewhere. A majority of their inhabitants, resettled in moscow which is only about a 5 hour drive away. This trend seems to still be popular to this day with many people leaving the town to go attend college elsewhere. Although it shows some signs of revitalizatioin, it seems as though it will become abandoned sometime before the 23rd century.

2.Jakarta indonesia
With 261 million people, indonesia is becoming a rapidly growing nation both economically and by population. From 1960 to the mid 1990’s the population here has doubled from 100 million to 200 million and they’ve continued to grow since. The rapid growth has taken its toll on the environment like many of these countries. The citarum river near the capital of Jakarta is labeled as one of the most polluted rivers in the world. POllution certainly isn’t the only thing this capital city has to worry about. It’s actually the fastest sinking city in the world according to the BBC and if something isn’t done, major sections of it could go completely submerged by the year 2050. Some even predict at the rate it’s sinking now, nearly 95 percent of it could go underwater! The land next to it has a higher elevation which flows downward into the city center. In western Jakarta, it’s sinking annually at a pace of 10 to 15 centimeters each year. Similar to mexico city, another reason why it’s sinking is because the water below it it used for drinking water. Throw in the possibility of it being hit by a volcano, earthquake or tsunami and there’s a pretty good chance Jakarta will be completely gone by 2200.



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