Global National: Aug. 6, 2022 | Dutch national found guilty of sexually extorting Amanda Todd

Описание к видео Global National: Aug. 6, 2022 | Dutch national found guilty of sexually extorting Amanda Todd

Breaking news out of B.C. with a bombshell verdict where a jury has just decided the fate of Aydin Coban. The Dutch national has been found guilty of harassing and sexually extorting Amanda Todd. The B.C. teenager took her own life back in 2012 after years of online harassment and torment. Coban was convicted on all five counts in what the crown called a persistent case of online sextortion. Rumina Daya has the latest.

Tensions are rising in the waters off Taiwan. The Taiwanese government accused China of rehearsing an attack against the Island. U.S. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visited there this week, sparking an angry backlash from Chinese officials, and a launch of military drills in and around the Taiwan Straight. Abigail Bimman reports on calls for the Canadian government to respond.

Indiana has become the first state to ban nearly all abortions since the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. The state’s Republican governor quickly signed the near-total ban on the procedure shortly after lawmakers approved it. All abortion clinics in that state will now lose their licenses under the new law. Jennifer Johnson reports.

The battle for abortion rights is expected to be front and centre in the upcoming midterm elections in the United States. Historically, the president’s party almost always loses seats in the midterms, but a referendum this week in a mid-western state has up-ended those expectations. Eric Sorensen explains.

Last year, a 13-year-old from B.C. disappeared while in the care of that province. Then in May a maintenance crew made a tragic discovery. Noelle O’Soup was found dead inside a Vancouver housing unit. Global News has learned that her body was inside the unit for months and somehow overlooked by police. Sarah MacDonald has the story of the vulnerable, Indigenous teenager whose family says she was failed even in death.

On Tuesday, voters in Kenya will head to the polls to choose a new president. In the past, elections there have been met with deadly violence and controversial legal challenges. Well, this time around the cost of living is the number one issue. As Redmond Shannon reports the two main candidates are former allies and both firmly part of the political establishment.

A non-profit in Victoria, B.C. that specializes in prosthetics is now stepping up to help war-torn Ukraine with so many soldiers and civilians losing limbs as a result of Russian attacks. As Kylie Stanton reports, the charity is now looking to ordinary Canadians for help.

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