BCP #70 | Why Christians & Messianics Don't Want to Follow the Real Jesus - A Messianic Jew Explains

Описание к видео BCP #70 | Why Christians & Messianics Don't Want to Follow the Real Jesus - A Messianic Jew Explains

The knowledge and reality of Yeshua’s sacrifice fills and touches us in our inmost being, producing thoughts and feelings of appreciation, gratitude, thankfulness, passion, and profound, overflowing joy. This is the Jesus that most believers know and are more than happy to follow. But while all this is true, the problem is that far too many believers have also mistaken that unheavy burden and easy yoke for a walk with a gentle Jesus that is free of personal cost and responsibility. In this episode, Kevin introduces the full, complete and demanding Yeshua of the Bible that most believers don't want to follow.

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The Biblically Correct Podcast: Teaching Biblical Correctness in a Biblically Incorrect World

Kevin Geoffrey, Messianic Jewish Teacher
Perfect Word Ministries & MJMI

The Biblically Correct Podcast is a ministry of Perfect Word Ministries. Our goal is to equip both Jewish and Gentile believers in Yeshua through sound, Scriptural exhortation to uphold God’s word as their solely authoritative standard for life in Messiah. Our vision is to provide teachings from a Messianic Jewish perspective that promote Yeshua-centric, scriptural principles and values, and confront unbiblical beliefs that are hostile to the Scriptures. We value the Scriptures—from the Torah to the New Covenant Writings—above all religions and traditions of man, not to disesteem those traditions, but to elevate the perfect word of God.

“Every Scripture is God-breathed, and profitable for teaching, for refuting, for setting aright, and for instruction that is in righteousness, so that the man of God may be fully equipped—having been completed for every good act.” –2 Timothy 3:16, MJLT https://www.mjlt.org

#messianic #yeshua #bible


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