How DUMB TV Serials Are Making Indian Women STUPID

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HerStory presents a rewritten History of all the Untold Stories of How Women Shaped India, written by an Indian Woman, faithful to our roots and free from Western biases.
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Extensive researches conducted on Indian TV serials have all highlighted these main problems in TV indutsry. Almost in every serials, women are shown as -
1- Dumb and dependent on her husband.
2- An ideal wife always keeps her family abover herself
3- Extra Marital affairs
4- Mother-in law is always the villain.

However, you might be surprised to know that these dramatic serials, where women are either portrayed as helpless, innocent victims or, on the extreme end, as evil witches, actually started with the intention of empowering women in our society. In fact, it wasn't just the serials— the entire entertainment media industry was once seen as a means for nation-building, promoting nationalism within the country.

But then, there was a turning point in the history of daily soaps. After that moment, there was no looking back. From then on, the industry got entangled in the dynamics of "saas-bahu" conflicts and endless conspiracies, losing its original focus on women’s empowerment.


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