Preseason 8 Hecarim Jungle

Описание к видео Preseason 8 Hecarim Jungle

Obviously since this is preseason, this is all subject to change:

The general idea of this build is to run into the non mobile squishies and relive the glory days when Hecarim wasn't a troll pick. By maximizing certain aspects (mostly MS), Hecarim is able to do a massive amount of damage from his E alone. I personally think the item build could be better (maybe revive that item we call Deadman's Plate) as it's very squishy but very snowbally.


Primary: Domination

Predator (no question here, it was made for him)
Sudden Impact (I feel this is one of the stronger ones in dmg)
Zombie Ward (OP)
Ravenous Hunter (I found the bonus MS one to be barely anything vs a nice heal all game)

Secondary: Sorcery (Could be better ones honestly)
Celerity (this one is awful on everyone but Hecarim)
Water walking (this one could be changed for one of the cheese ones)

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