Pediatric Glaucoma-Jenina Capasso, MS, LCGS-April 25, 2015 CARES Conference

Описание к видео Pediatric Glaucoma-Jenina Capasso, MS, LCGS-April 25, 2015 CARES Conference

CARES Conference 2015 Jenina Capasso, MS, LCGS
The videos in these talks are for a lay conference on glaucoma called "CARES." CARES stands for Committed to Awareness through Research, Education and Support. The informational day includes free glaucoma screenings, eye pressure checks, talks by world renowned experts on the eye disease, news on the latest treatment options, tips on signs, symptoms, risk factors, and support services. Breakfast and lunch is served. This year's conference was held at Jefferson Hamilton Bldg. on April 25, 2015.


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