A Whole Body Sustainable Natural Deodorant made for the whole family

Описание к видео A Whole Body Sustainable Natural Deodorant made for the whole family

The Problem: Families Trapped Without Effective Options

Many families feel forced to use aluminum-based deodorants due to the lack of effective natural alternatives. Synthetic deodorants are harmful to our health, while many natural deodorants simply don’t work as promised. Newer natural deodorant brands like Native, Salt and Stone, or Lume contain an ingredient called ozokerite, which can potentially alter our DNA and endocrine function.

Other brands like Crystal or Thai promote the use of natural crystals, but these crystals are pure natural aluminum, known as potash alum. Additionally, most natural brands contain cornstarch, an ingredient that has been modified and could affect our heart function in the long term.

Consumers, overwhelmed by busy lifestyles, often lack the time to thoroughly inspect product ingredients, leading them to make choices that may be detrimental to their health. These companies prioritize profit over consumer well-being, neglecting any genuine mission for health and safety.

Lack of Trust:

Families who have experimented with natural deodorants may find themselves skeptical due to previous disappointments. They may feel compelled to revert to traditional deodorants containing aluminum, doubting the effectiveness of natural alternatives. This lack of trust in natural deodorants perpetuates a cycle where consumers opt for potentially harmful products out of necessity.

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