[2021] Google Play Game Services #1 - Authentication

Описание к видео [2021] Google Play Game Services #1 - Authentication

Hey All,

My Patreon:   / flarvain  
Discord:   / discord  
GPGS github: https://github.com/playgameservices/p...

In this tutorial we're looking at writing our own authentication from scratch. Please consider subscribing if this helps and if you want to see future parts of this tutorial as they come out.

Focus is going to be on making these weekly until i'm happy with the series being finished.

I also am affiliated with NordVPN, if you're both interested in a VPN and want to help support or already have a subscription and need to renew it then please consider using my link:
NordVPN: https://go.nordvpn.net/aff_c?offer_id...
NordPass (password manager): https://go.nordpass.io/aff_c?offer_id...

The above helps a lot!




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