The Midgewater Marshes -The Fellowship of the Ring

Описание к видео The Midgewater Marshes -The Fellowship of the Ring

In the morning the hobbits hurriedly follow Strider away from Bree, across country. Four Riders race along the road.

FRODO: Where are you taking us ?

STRIDER: Into the wild

MERRY: (following the others through the woodland) How do we know this Strider is a friend of Gandalf ?

FRODO: I think a servant of the enemy would look fairer, but feel fouler.

MERRY: He's foul enough (Strider tips his head a little hearing the comment)

FRODO: We have no choice but to trust him

SAM: (leading his pony) But where is he leading us ?

STRIDER: To Rivendell Master Gamgee. To the House of Elrond.

SAM: D'you hear that! Rivendell! We're going to see the elves!

They continue to walk through the woodland, through rain, until they reach the top of the hills. Snow covers the ground. Strider pauses looking around. He looks back at the hobbits who are getting out frying pans and cooking utensils

STRIDER: Gentlemen! We do not stop 'til nightfall

PIPPIN: What about breakfast ?

STRIDER: (looks confused) You've already had it

PIPPIN: We've had one yes. What about second breakfast ?

Strider frowns and walks off

MERRY: Don't think he knows about second breakfast Pippin (he puts his bag back on his shoulder)

PIPPIN: What about elvenses ? Luncheon, Afternoon Tea, Dinner ? Supper! He knows about them, doesnt he ?

MERRY: I wouldn't count on it

An apple flies over a bush and Merry catches it. He gives it to Pippin, pats him on the shoulder and goes to follow Strider. Another apple flies through the air and hits Pippin on the head.

MERRY: Pippin!

They come to some Marshland and stumble through the water and grass hillocks. Midges fly everwhere, biting the hobbits
MERRY: (swatting a midge) What are they eating when they can't get hobbit ?

They stumble on through the Marsh. Pippin falls into the water
Night falls and they stop to rest. Strider brings a deer he has killed to the hobbits sitting on the ground. Later as the hobbits sleep. Strider sits on watch, smoking his pipe. He sings.

STRIDER: (singing)
Tinuviel elvanui,

Elleth alfirin ethelhael
O hon ring finnil fuinui

A renc gelebrin thiliol.

(Tinuviel the elven-fair,

Immortal maiden elven-wise,
About him cast her night-dark hair,

And arms like silver glimmering.)

FRODO: (sitting up to listen) Who is she ? This woman you sing of ?

STRIDER: Tis the Lady of Luthien. The Elf Maiden who gave her love to Beren ... a mortal

FRODO: What happened to her?

STRIDER: (shakes his head) She died.
(turning to face Frodo) Get some sleep Frodo

Frodo lies back down. Aragorn looks into the night air and sighs


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