EBS토목달 토익RC문제 25초 스피드퀴즈 vol.13

Описание к видео EBS토목달 토익RC문제 25초 스피드퀴즈 vol.13

EBS토목달 토익RC 25초 스피드퀴즈

여러분의 토익 목표달성을 응원합니다!!
25초 후 문제가 사라지는 5문제!
문제가 나오면 집중하셔서 시간에 맞게 풀어주세요~ ^^

1. As a reward for their hard work, Mr. Edwards
bought everyone in his department some new audio ______.

(A) equipped
(B) equips
(C) equipment
(D) equip

2. Please let someone in the IT Department know
if you cannot download the _________ catalog.

(A) attach
(B) attached
(C) attaching
(D) attachment

3. Subway service _________ Park Station and Walnut
Street Station was suspended due to a problem with one of the tracks.

(A) between
(B) aboard
(C) against
(D) up

4. To deal with the expected ________ in business
during the holiday season, several new cashiers will be hired.

(A) increased
(B) increase
(C) increasable
(D) to increase

5. Before signing a contract, an individual should _______
every part of it, especially if something is confusing.

(A) to understand
(B) understand
(C) understanding
(D) are understood

(C) / (B) / (A) / (B) / (B)

오늘의 문제는 토예특 10월대비 RC 101~106번 이었습니다.
토예특 10월 문제&해설 풀버전 보기 ▶ https://goo.gl/LGp8Kf
EBS토예특 사이트 바로가기 ▶ https://goo.gl/b6Gifn

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