Webley WG Single Shot Not-A-Revolver

Описание к видео Webley WG Single Shot Not-A-Revolver


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This is a really interesting and probably unique Webley - a single shot, flat sided version of the WG Target revolver. It has a WG Target frame and grip and WG Target adjustable sights, but a monolithic barrel block with a single chamber and ejector in place of a cylinder (rather like a Colt Camp Perry). It is in magnificent condition, but there is a complete dearth of historical information on this pattern. The only deduction I can make is based on the serial number, which is just 11 digits shy of the last known WG revolver. This would place production just before World War One, and perhaps in using the last of the available parts it was reasonable to make a single-shot version like this for a custom special order?

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