Heather (A complete Winter MAP) [Wings of fire]

Описание к видео Heather (A complete Winter MAP) [Wings of fire]

After 3 long months this MAP is complete!! And all thanks to the amazing animators who participated!! This was certainly an amazing learning experience for me and several others,
(This map follows the events of books 11 and 12, (Moon rising and winter turning)
I truly appreciate the amount of effort the animators and thumbnail participants put into their parts/submissions!

Please check out and subscribe to all these amazing animators!

credits done by ‪@xBounceFireYT‬ !!
Thank you so much for participating and I hope to see more of your animations in the future!
I hope you enjoy this MAP and thanks for watching!

Song: Heather, by Conan Grey
   • Conan Gray - Heather (Lyrics)  


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