österreich - あなたはわたしの (Subtitles)

Описание к видео österreich - あなたはわたしの (Subtitles)

I wanted to draw a picture for a long time.
Her profile, gallant eyebrows, sharply nose, mole under the lips,
above all, what attracted me were her eyes.
They were horribly cold and cruel like looking down on everything but very beautiful.
At that time, I was a freshman in oil painting.
She was a third year university student majoring in sculpture.
When I saw her sometimes in the school cafeteria, I tried to ask her for a picture model again and again.
But if she turned it down with her cold eyes, I might not get over it.
So until she graduated from university, I had never talked to her.
Now she was before my eyes for the first time in 9 years.
She looked a little thinner than at that time.
Her charming profile was still the same.
My hand holding a pencil trembled a little.
Maybe, this was my first and last opportunity.
I watched her by using my whole body.
I was absorbed in drawing her.
She was deeply colder than at that time.
And she was horrifyingly beautiful.
While drawing, I thought if her eyes had killed me, I wouldn’t have cared about that.
I wondered if a man killed by her thought the same thing.
The chief judge sent death sentence to defendant.
Her expression never moved.
I saw the media flying out in a hurry.
I wanted her to see my picture I had finished drawing.
But she got out of the room without looking at me in handcuffs.
My picture was used by a news program.
I received many job requests from people who saw my picture.
But I don’t have anything I want to draw anymore.

彼女の横顔 凛々しい眉
すっとした鼻筋 唇の下にほくろ
何よりも僕を惹きつけたのは 彼女の目だ
長い睫毛に縁取られた 死ぬほど冷たい目
この世の全てを軽蔑しているような 残酷な眼差しは 恐ろしい半面、とても美しかった
でも あの冷たい目で断られたら立ち直れないような気がして
ついに彼女が卒業するまで 言葉を交わすことさえできなかった
今僕は 9年ぶりに彼女を目の前にしている
彼女の魅力的な横顔は 昔のままのようだ
これが 最初で最後のチャンスかもしれない
からだ全部を動かして 彼女を観察した
白い画用紙に 僕の目に映る彼女の横顔を夢中で描いた
彼女はあの頃よりも もっと 深く 冷たくなっていた
そして ゾッとするほど美しかった
彼女に殺された男も 同じことを思っただろうか
手錠をかけられて 部屋から出ていってしまった


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