L4D2: Left in Prypiat (Special Delivery - Expert)

Описание к видео L4D2: Left in Prypiat (Special Delivery - Expert)

1: Left in Prypiat (0:00)
First Event (6:36)
Second Event (14:42)
Rescue Holdout (19:00)

This campaign/chapter was very mentally draining. It took us a total of about 2 hours with 10 restarts. I shit you not, there were 12 tanks in this chapter… In the first half of the chapter, one spawned from the director right before the first scripted tank, and the third spawned from the scripted elevator event. The rescue event itself took up the other half of this chapter. During the rescue event, one spawned in the first tank wave, two spawned in the second and third, three spawned during the fourth (even though one of them died for some reason), then one spawned as the train arrived. For only one chapter, this campaign was extremely difficult. Comparing it to other chapters we played on special delivery, it wasn’t quite as difficult as the 5th chapter of Crash Bandicoot (2020), the 6th and 7th chapters of Claustrophobia, or the 2nd chapter of Downtown Dine - Dead End, but it was very close.

Map: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfile...

Special Delivery: A variation of Hard Eight, with the maximum number of Special Infected raised from four to eight. Additionally, the spawn timer of Special Infected has been removed. To offset the larger number of Special Infected, Common Infected along with Uncommon Infected do not spawn. Special Delivery is the first community Mutation officially released for both PC and Xbox 360, created by Rayman1103 from his custom Mutations mod.

#Left4Dead2 #L4D2 #SpecialDelivery #Expert


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