A Pirates Life - Full Guide Part 1 - Sea of Thieves Tall Tales

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Pirates Life - Full Walkthrough Part 1 - Sea of Thieves Tall tales (2022)
Rare - Sea of Thieves

The first Tall Tale, "A Pirate's Life," will have you heading into the Sea of the Damned to free a high-valued prisoner aboard the Ferry of the Damned. While there, you will visit the haunted town of Sailor's Grave, which is filled with secrets just waiting to be uncovered.

Completing this quest will unlock the Raising the Dead, Treasure for the Dead, A Powerful Thirst, Ship of Thieves and the Secret of the Grave commendations. Completing it also unlocks two journal related commendations!

Sea of Thieves: A Pirate's Life is a free story campaign introduced to Sea of Thieves as part of the Season Three update on June 22, 2021.

In partnership with Disney, this Pirates of the Caribbean themed campaign includes 5 Tall Tales adventuring through locations from Sea of Thieves and the Pirates of the Caribbean films and theme park attraction.

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00:00 - 08:46 Intro
08:47 - 22:29 Strange Shores
22:29 - 33:21 Tales of the Dead
33:21 - 43:48 The Damned Stowaways
43:48 - 51:40 Saving A Pirate's Life
51:40 - 52:30 Ending


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