香港旅客怒斥国泰航空滋事者丢脸HongKong travelers angrily reprimand Cathay Pacific detainers for bringing shame

Описание к видео 香港旅客怒斥国泰航空滋事者丢脸HongKong travelers angrily reprimand Cathay Pacific detainers for bringing shame


另据界面新闻,#国泰航空回应旅客被辱骂事件#:经调查发现,于9月17日CX253航班上,两名顾客因为座椅靠背调整问题与前方顾客发生争执并作出语言和行为骚扰。期间,机组人员多次进行调解和劝阻, 但两名顾客未停止滋扰行为。机组人员安抚受影响顾客,在经济舱已满员情况下为其安排了特选经济舱以调换座位。 受影响乘客调换座位后,机舱服务经理对涉事乘客的不当行为进行了劝诫并给予了两次严重口头警告。根据相关《乘客及行李的一般条款》规定,涉事的二位顾客将被拒绝乘搭未来任何国泰集团的航班。

【#Angry Hong Kong Traveler Criticizes Cathay Pacific Troublemakers for Losing Face#: Don't say you are Hong Kong!】According to Hong Kong Wen Wei Po: Recently, a netizen posted a video on social media, saying that on September 17th, while flying from Hong Kong to the UK on #Cathay Pacific#, when adjusting the seat back for steady flight, a couple from the back crazily kicked and hit the seat and discriminated against and insulted "Mainland Sister." The flight attendant tried to mediate multiple times, stating that the seats were full today and seat changes were not possible. It wasn't until the situation became uncontrollable that the flight attendant agreed to a seat change. During the process, many Hong Kong people stood up and spoke out: Don't bully children! You are bringing shame to us Hong Kong people, don't say you are Hong Kong. According to Interface News, #Cathay Pacific responds to the passenger insult incident#: After investigation, on the CX253 flight on September 17th, two customers had a dispute with the customer in front due to seat back adjustment issues and engaged in verbal and behavioral harassment. During this time, the crew attempted to mediate and dissuade the two customers but their disruptive behavior did not stop. The crew comforted the affected customers and arranged for them to switch seats to a premium economy class as the economy class was full. After the affected passengers changed seats, the cabin service manager admonished the passengers involved in the misconduct and gave them two serious verbal warnings. In accordance with the relevant "General Terms and Conditions for Passengers and Baggage", the two customers involved will be denied boarding on any future flights operated by the Cathay Pacific Group.


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