*I PULLED IT!* Opening Pokemon Cards until I pull this RAINBOW RARE!

Описание к видео *I PULLED IT!* Opening Pokemon Cards until I pull this RAINBOW RARE!

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Incredible Rainbow Rare luck in Cosmic Eclipse, one of the best sets of all time!

Opening one of the best sets in recent history, Cosmic Eclipse. Cosmic Eclipse features some of the coolest Pokemon TCG Cards and secret rares you can find. In our case, we are looking for the rainbow rare Volcarona card in hopes of adding it to our bug collection! Will I find this amazing Rare and more in our Pokemon TCG Cosmic Eclipse Opening?

Be sure to check out our new Partnership with TheGameCapital
Go to http://aDriveTCG.com and use code aDrive for 5% off your order!

Check out these other epic Pokemon TCG Videos:
I can't believe Ali-A Pulled these 2 LEGENDARY CARDS!
Opening Pokemon Cards until I pull Rainbow Genesect!
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Opening Pokemon Cards until I pull Rainbow Vikavolt!
   • Opening Pokemon Cards until I pull Ra...  

PLAYLIST for TCG Openings!
   • The Best Pokemon Card Openings!  

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