4k ets2 Romania Realistic Brutal Weather In The Night, Rain HDR on and AI Traffic Pack by Jazzycat

Описание к видео 4k ets2 Romania Realistic Brutal Weather In The Night, Rain HDR on and AI Traffic Pack by Jazzycat

Hi Guys,
I'm a professional driver who likes to play realistic/simulation driving games, i use Logitech g920 and shifter.

#roadtoblacksea #romaniamap #graphicsmod

Mods In This Video
Scania tourning 1.38 bus mod
ProMods 2.50
AI Traffic Pack by Jazzycat
Real companies And Trailers Pack
Realistic Brutal Weather
Logitech G G920 Shifter
road to black sea dlc
#Bussimulator #Busdriving #ETS2busmod


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