Bill Johnson's True Grit

Описание к видео Bill Johnson's True Grit

Bill Johnson was the first American alpine racer to win an Olympic gold medal. He won the Downhill in 1984 at Sarajevo, the same year Phil and Steve Mahre took gold and silver in the Slalom. Johnson attempted a comeback in 2001 for the Park City games but had an horrific fall in a qualifier that put him in a coma and lefdt him brain damaged. Ever the champion, there is no quit in Bill Johnson. He returned to skiing and became an advocate and fund raiser for traumatic brain damaged people. Recently his body began to fail and he had to give up his sport. Returning all the favors he earned over the years, Bill's friends and supporters, joined by his teammate Phil Mahre, threw a vertical challenge fundraiser for him at Ski Sundown in Connecticut. We were there to make this RadXSports video with hosts Tony Lanza and Dawn Church.

Narration: In this Vertical Challenge fundraiser teams and individuals competed against each other to see who could complete the most runs down trails served by the same lift. Since they start and end at the same places, it's easy to add up how many vertical feet they slide over in the seven hours of the contest. The winners take home donated prizes.

Team RadX was got off to a late start. They were more interested in taking a team photo with Bill than winning.

Cody Barber, a young local skier, took the early lead.

Another hour and Code was still on a winning pace, way ahead of our heroes.

Half way through the day and it looks like the kid is running away with the contest.

The day ended with our athletes off the course, but it was still a great day on the slopes.

Somehow, when the runs were counted, it was a couple of veteran skiers who tied for the top honors and took home the big prizes.

When it comes right down to it, the real prize was helping a true champion who put it all on the line for his sport and his country. Interact with us on Twitter @RadXSports


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