The most amazing 3D Technology you will ever see

Описание к видео The most amazing 3D Technology you will ever see

✨ اشترك مجانا في نشرتنا البريدية للحصول على دورات مجانية، كتب إلكترونية، شروحات والمزيد: ✨ 3D Technology Review.

Take a look at my 3D Technology Review and discover how 3D Technology can help you Moving objects using your 3D hands when you are far a way .

3D Technology Review:

3D Technology is a Afully loaded 3D Technology which Benefits from these incredible features:

3d tech
mind blowing
moving things physically
new technology MIT
MIT institution

....and much, much more.

Be sure to see video review above for the full story about 3D Technology

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Thanks for checking out this 3D Technology information

At the MIT Media Lab, the Tangible Media Group believes the future of computing is tactile. Unveiled today, the inFORM is MIT's new scrying pool for imagining the interfaces of tomorrow. Almost like a table of living clay, the inFORM is a surface that three-dimensionally changes shape, allowing users to not only interact with digital content in meatspace, but even hold hands with a person hundreds of miles away. And that's only the beginning.

Created by Daniel Leithinger and Sean Follmer and overseen by Professor Hiroshi Ishii, the technology behind the inFORM isn't that hard to understand. It's basically a fancy Pinscreen, one of those executive desk toys that allows you to create a rough 3-D model of an object by pressing it into a bed of flattened pins. With inFORM, each of those "pins" is connected to a motor controlled by a nearby laptop, which can not only move the pins to render digital content physically, but can also register real-life objects interacting with its surface thanks to the sensors of a hacked Microsoft Kinect.


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