(281) Honey Bee Flower Pollination - Vanilla Cactus Flower

Описание к видео (281) Honey Bee Flower Pollination - Vanilla Cactus Flower

Honey bees help in the pollination process while collecting nectar for honey. They are collecting the sugary fluid secreted within flowers. This fluid is called nectar. Honey bees collect this nectar in their hives and make honey.

When a bee lands on a flower, the hairs all over the bees' body attract pollen grains through electrostatic forces. Many of the flowers pollinated by bees have a region of low ultraviolet reflectance near the center of each petal. This region appears invisible to humans because our visual spectrum does not extend into the ultraviolet. However, bees can detect ultraviolet light. The contrasting ultraviolet pattern called a nectar guide. This guide helps a bee quickly locate the flower's center. Honybee plays a critical role in maintaining natural plant communities and ensuring production of seeds in most flowering plants.

The flowers of Queen of the Night plants have a strong, sweet-smelling fragrance. When it blooms, It's like nature's own aromatherapy session.

The flowers that are visited by bees are typically:

1. Full of nectar
2. Brightly colored with petals (bees cannot see red)
3. Sweetly aromatic or have a minty fragrance
4. Open in daytime
5. Provide landing platforms
6. Often bilaterally symmetrical (one side of the flower is a mirror image of the other)
7. Flowers are often tubular with nectar at base of tube.

Bees have been declining over the last half century as pesticide use in agricultural and urban areas increased. An abnormal phenomenon that occurs when the mysterious disappearance of large numbers of honey bees charactarised as Colony collapse disorder (CCD)

Honeybee Conservancy :-

By planting a bee garden, we can do our part to help the bees by adding to the shrinking inventory of flower-rich habitat in our area. 'In return', the bees will pollinate flowers, providing a bountiful harvest of fruits, seeds and vegetables as well as the joy of watching them up close.

#HoneyBeeConservancy #PlantABeeGarden #BuildingBeeHabitat #WingsOfPollinators #Nishigandha #Rajanigandha #Sugandharaj #Gulchhadi #NishagandhiFlower #vanillacactus #NightbloomingCereus #EpiphyllumOxypetalum #Epiphyllum #Largebloomingcereus #LunarFlower #Organillo #PrincessOfTheNight #CactusBloom #Dutchman'sPipeCactus #NocturnalFlower #QueenOfTheNight #Bee #Singapore


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