Prototype - Kill Event 05: Street Sweeper *Platinum Medal*

Описание к видео Prototype - Kill Event 05: Street Sweeper *Platinum Medal*

[Alex Mercer Upgrades: MAX]

I had uploaded this video but I wasn't satisfied with it so I deleted it and replaced it with this run.

Just like the previous kill events you have to annihilate a crowd of infected. The good news is that you don't have hunters hounding you so your main focus is to crush as many as possible efficiently. Like most runs I did on this event I would jump and dash to a group of infected. This time I went north to the crosswalk area and start working there using guess what... the street sweeper move (on PC basically a left click followed closely by a right click.. in this run I actually do one extra attack. If I hadn't of done that, with the time I saved the last street sweeper attack could of been counted).I make sure to kill as many as possible in the immediate area before jumping and dashing north to the next crosswalk area where they seemed to be lined up ready to die again.

If you notice I tend to go back and forth to the crosswalk areas because thats the pattern they seem to be spawning, I probably got lucky though. There are some events you can have put in your favor just by influencing spawning patterns and I think this was one of them. I improved close to 80 kills over the video I was going to post.


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