Come with me: Christmas plant shopping with my Grandma | Chinatown Los Angeles | ILOVEJEWELYN

Описание к видео Come with me: Christmas plant shopping with my Grandma | Chinatown Los Angeles | ILOVEJEWELYN

Aloha everyone!

Enjoy one of my favorite series on the channel.

New 2020 daily upload schedule:
Main channel- Monday through Thursday
Vlog channel- Friday through Sunday

Aloha, Jewelyn
@plantingwithjewelyn @_ilovejewelyn

Send me mail!
My new mailing address:
Planting with Jewelyn
C/O Dirty Fork
3655 S Durango Drive #29
Las Vegas, Nevada 89147

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  / ilovejewelyn  

Business email: [email protected]

Find me online here:
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   / missjewelyn   (vlog channel)
   / ilovejewelyn  

Shop my Amazon store:

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Aloha, Jewelyn
@plantingwithjewelyn @_ilovejewelyn @jewel_of_hawaii


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