How NPP exhaust works and how AFM valves work. Why only certain exhaust tips are dirty.

Описание к видео How NPP exhaust works and how AFM valves work. Why only certain exhaust tips are dirty.

This is why only certain exhaust tips are dirty on cars with NPP exhaust. Also explains what exactly NPP and AFM does and provides info about making an educated decision on how to choose an exhaust you purchase.

NOTE: This is all information for a car that obviously has not had the AFM disabled by either using a Range Device or having it tuned out.

Information provided by the speaker/presenter in this video is for general information purposes only. All information is provided in good faith however no representation of warranty of any kind, expressed or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability, or completeness of this information. All actions are performed at your own risk and you assume all responsibility for any and all of your own actions.


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