Review Demo - Backwoods Music Blackwater Envelope Filter

Описание к видео Review Demo - Backwoods Music Blackwater Envelope Filter

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It would be hard to find an effect more polarizing than the envelope filter (aka auto wah). For many funk-minded and jam-oriented players, its quacky, percussive filtering effect is indispensible. For the funk and jam averse, envelope filters might as well be a stompbox crime against humanity.

Yet this binary view of the envelope filter ignores much of the device’s potential. Carefully selected settings, a lyrical, dynamic playing approach, and crafty integration with effects you probably already use can take an envelope filter well beyond cliché auto-wah textures. Backwoods’ Blackwater envelope filter delivers classic auto wah sounds with style and aplomb. But it’s musicality and agreeable relationship to other effects make it much more than a one-trick funky duck … er, pony.

Swamp Thing
The Blackwater Filter is a simple, stout, and utilitarian item—just two knobs, a toggle switch, and a quiet relay footswitch. The pedal’s innards are relatively simple too. The two shielded in/out jacks sit just below the cluttered, but well-ordered circuit board, which occupies less than half of the space inside the enclosure. The space that might otherwise be dedicated to a battery compartment sits empty: The Blackwater only runs on 9V DC power.

The Funky Road Less Taken
Most folks in the market for an auto wah usually want one for its most familiar applications: Bootsy Collins’ vowely bass tones, Jerry Garcia’s Shakedown Street-era lead textures, and the duck quack punctuation an auto-wah can lend to funk rhythm tracks. The Blackwater excels in these sonic environs.

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