The War on Coal - What is the Future of Coal and Cumberland Mine?

Описание к видео The War on Coal - What is the Future of Coal and Cumberland Mine?

Will the Biden Administration shut down the coal industry? Will the Coal Industry
and Cumberland Mine survive the war on Coal? The answers may surprise you
at what is really happening despite what "they" may want you to believe.

Also will talk in the video about pricing and how the coal contracts are paid to
Cumberland Mine. The future's so bright for Cumberland Mine, I gotta wear shades!

Our new owners are doing a totally fantastic job at marketing our coal and
in making much needed capital improvements that will sustain a healthy
and prosperous future for our mine here. Company pride is once again being
instilled after the bitter taste our last company left us with. Cumberland employees
are realizing our new owners are serious about a healthy future and can see
they are investing millions upon millions of dollars in the mine infrastructure and

From an article in Progressive Railroading. 03/29/2023
EIA: US electricity from renewables surpasses coal for first time.

Last year, U.S. electricity produced from renewable energy sources surpassed
electricity generated by coal for the first time, according to data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

In 2022, the U.S. electric power sector produced 4,090million megawatt-hours
(MWh) of electric power. Generation from wind, solar, hydro, biomass and geothermal surpassed coal-fired generation in the electric power sector for the first time
last year, EIA officials announced March 27.

Renewable generation surpassed nuclear generation for the first time in 2021 and continued to provide more electricity than nuclear generation in 2022, they said.

The share of coal-fired generation decreased from 23% in 2021 to 20% in 2022
as a number of coal-fired power plants retired and the remaining plants were used less.

Natural gas remained the largest source of U.S. electricity generation last year,
increasing to a 39% share of U.S. generation in 2022 from a 37% share in 2021.

The combined wind and solar share of total generation increased to 14% in 2022
from 12% in 2021. Hydropower generation remained unchanged, at 6%, in 2022.
The shares for biomass and geothermal sources remained unchanged, at less than 1%.

Trains transport nearly 70% of coal delivered in the United States for at least
part of the way from mines to consumers, according to the EIA.

A list of customers for Cumberland Mine, circa June 2023
AEP Cardinal
Ohio Valley Electric
Longview Power Plant
Fort Martin Power Plant
Kentucky Utility Gents
East Kentucky Power
Duke Kentucky
Appalachan Power Company
We also sell several unit trains a year to a cement plant located somewhere
in Florida, I do not know what plant that is.

Made June 2023

Disclaimer: I am an employee of Iron Senergy at Cumberland
Mine. My job is railroad track maintenance. I am very fortunate to
have this job and everyone at the mine is very fortunate to have
Iron Senergy as it's current owner. Our past owners had every
intention of shutting this mine down, but Iron Senergy took
over and have kept this mine alive.

Please understand: I am NOT in any way an official or unofficial
spokes person for Iron Senergy or Cumberland Mine. Any viewpoints,
opinions or anything that I show in the videos, or write in the video
descriptions or any answer to any comment, should NEVER be
misconstrued or interpreted as being in any way shape or form,
any kind of official or unofficial statement from Iron Senergy,
Iron Cumberland, Cumberland Mine, any of the mine's management,
any of the contractors that may be shown in any video, nor of
any of my fellow co-workers.

Any viewpoints or opinions I may make in the videos, in the
descriptions, or in any answer to a comment is strictly that of my
own and NOT an official or unofficial statement or viewpoint that
Iron Synergy or any one at Iron Senergy or Cumberland Mine
necessarily has or makes.

Again, we are very fortunate to have Iron Senergy as our current
owners. Please, when making a comment be respectful of Iron Senergy,
Cumberland Mine, my fellow coworkers and also any contractors
that may be shown. Thank You, Dave



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