Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and Latino Priorities: Hearing the Cry of Earth and the Poor

Описание к видео Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and Latino Priorities: Hearing the Cry of Earth and the Poor

Welcome to this in-person and livestreamed Latino Leader Gathering on “Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and Latino Priorities: Hearing the Cry of the Earth and the Cry of the Poor”.

The livestream is scheduled to begin at 7:00 pm EDT. Since this is an in-person gathering, the livestream may start late. Just wait for holding slide to change to the live feed. Thank you for your patience!

We are pleased to have the following leaders joining us:
—Bishop Evelio Menjivar, auxiliary bishop of the Archdiocese of Washington, will open the dialogue and welcome people who are with us in person and online.
—Silvia Foster-Frau is a Pulitzer Prize-winning national investigative reporter at the Washington Post who explores how local, state, and federal governments serve the United States’ diversifying population, as well as the effects of America’s changing racial, ethnic, and cultural demographics. She has recently written about the intersection of environmental issues, Latino communities, and health equity.
—Elena Gaona is the Chispa Communications Director for the League of Conservation Voters. Gaona has held communication roles at other nonprofits and government agencies, including Catholic Climate Covenant, UnidosUS, the Center for American Progress, the National Association of Hispanic Journalists, and the U.S. Department for Housing and Urban Development.
—Mark Hugo Lopez is the director of race and ethnicity research for Pew Research Center. He is an expert on Latino politics and culture, global and domestic immigration, and the U.S. demographic landscape and has written on the intersection of climate change and Latino communities.
—Bishop Joseph Tyson is the bishop of the Diocese of Yakima, Washington. He is the episcopal liaison for Catholic Climate Covenant and is the chair of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ subcommittee on Pastoral Care for Migrants, Refugees and Travelers.

We hope you will join in the conversation on X using @GUcstpubliclife and #LatinoEcoJusticeGU.

If you have any technical questions, you can email us at [email protected].


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