Microgreens 🌿How to grow Alfalfa sprouts☘️

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Microgreens 🌿How to grow Alfalfa sprouts☘️ #microgreens #alfalfa #sprouts

Hi ✋all
Microgreens are one of the most healthy options in food. Microgreens means sprouts of different seeds. When the seeds sprout with two leaves ,that is time when it's the most nutritious and tasty.
In this video i have shared how to grow Alfalfa sprout, A very healthy sprout option.
People typically consume alfalfa as an herbal supplement or in the form of alfalfa sprouts.
Because the leaves or seeds are sold as herbal supplements and not as foods, no standard nutrition information is available.
However, they are typically a fair source of vitamin K and also contain many other nutrients, including vitamin C, copper, manganese, and folate.
Alfalfa sprouts contain the same nutrients and are also very low in calories.

For example, 1 cup (33 grams) of alfalfa sprouts contains a mere 8 calories. It also contains the following :

Vitamin K: 8% of the Daily Value (DV)
Vitamin C: 3% of the DV
Folate: 3% of the DV
Thiamine: 2% of the DV
Riboflavin: 3% of the DV
Magnesium: 2% of the DV
Iron: 2% of the DV
Copper: 6% of the D

Grow them and do include them in your diet and stay healthy.

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