Historic Preservation Pipeline Initiative & CLG Grant Funds Webinar

Описание к видео Historic Preservation Pipeline Initiative & CLG Grant Funds Webinar

The Historic Preservation Pipeline Initiative provides small grants and technical assistance to assist in nominating buildings and districts to the National Register of Historic Places.

The program creates a pipeline of properties that are eligible for redevelopment assistance through the Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit program and helps communities and property owners advance redevelopment of underutilized historic buildings.

The Certified Local Government (CLG) Program facilitates cooperation between state and local governments with Federal partners to promote nationwide preservation initiatives. Through the certification process, local communities make a commitment to national historic preservation standards. This commitment is key to America's ability to preserve, protect, and increase awareness of our unique cultural heritage found across the country. Certified Local Governments range from small villages to major urban centers. Once certified, Certified Local Governments may compete annually for grants to help carry out a wide range of historic preservation activities.


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