Eastman Manual Cutting Machines - The Standard for over 125 Years

Описание к видео Eastman Manual Cutting Machines - The Standard for over 125 Years

The industry standard since 1888, Eastman cutting machines are engineered to cut the most diverse range of traditional, modern, and industrial fabrics in the market today. Fabricated using modern manufacturing technology, superior components, and skilled craftsmen, there is a machine solution for cutting intricate or simple patterns.

■ Straight Knives – High-speed reciprocating cutting technology designed for cutting patterns, as well as straight lines in multiple thicknesses of material
■ Round Knives – Commonly used to cut straight lines or large radius curves
■ Rotary Shears – Quickly cut intricate markers, one-of-a-kind patterns, and samples. Solution to low-quantity cutting jobs.
■ End Cutters – Fast, efficient, accurate straight end cuts to minimize excessive selvage
■ Drills/Marking/Special Applications – Make buttonholes, darts, or other markings; pattern perforating, bundling, strip cutting, and rag manufacturing


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