索维拉是哪里?20人一间房的青旅什么样?Where is Essaouira? 20 Traveller Sharing Only One room! | 摩洛哥Morocco

Описание к видео 索维拉是哪里?20人一间房的青旅什么样?Where is Essaouira? 20 Traveller Sharing Only One room! | 摩洛哥Morocco

索维拉是摩洛哥的一个沿海城市,到达索维拉正是斋月的第二天,整座城市突然会像鬼城,有点恐怖。穷游挑战,这次我住进了一个一间屋子20人的青年旅社。说他是穷游背包客集中营一点也不夸张。便宜的代价就是,放屁、打呼、莫名其妙摇床运动不在话下。Essaouira is a coastal city in Morocco. It was the second day of Ramadan when I arrived in Essaouira. The whole city suddenly looked like a ghost town because of Ramadan, which was a bit scary. As a budget travel challenge, this time I stayed in a youth hostel with 20 people together sharing one room. It is no exaggeration to say that it is a concentration camp for poor backpackers. The cheap price of hostel means that farting, snoring, and inexplicable beds rocking movements from your roomates will accompany you the whole night
♫ M U S I C:
Moonrise - Reed Mathis
Vacation Song - Reed Mathis
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