Ron and Lisa Beres Test Drive the Smart Car

Описание к видео Ron and Lisa Beres Test Drive the Smart Car

You may have seen them zipping around a town near you - squeezing ever so effortlessly into small parking spots, passing you on the freeway and - maybe even riding a ferry (o.k., that was us). One place you're less likely to see them, however, is at a gas station. Small, smart and fuel efficient, these little vehicles don't need to fuel up as much since they have more important things to do such as making your ride a joy. At 38 highway MPG, this little smarty pants has the best MPG of any gas vehicle. We don't have room here to brag about all of the 'smart' features of this ultra-urban mode of transportation, so join us instead for a spin through beautiful Orange County, California. Ron and I share with you what makes this Mercedes-Benz engineered car a one-of-a-kind in terms of fun, safety and price. Reclaimable. Recyclable. Remarkable!


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