HubSpot Contact-Based Workflows: Automate Marketing Contact Status

Описание к видео HubSpot Contact-Based Workflows: Automate Marketing Contact Status

This HubSpot training discusses a contact-based use case where someone fills out a form on a website and needs to be subscribed to receive marketing communications. The HubSpot trainer explains that to send marketing emails, two things need to happen: the person needs to be set as a marketing contact and they need to be subscribed to receive marketing communications. The training suggests using a contact-based workflow to automate these processes. They also mention the importance of maintaining accurate marketing contact statuses to avoid unnecessary costs. The trainer adds that it's important to create an active list of people scheduled to become non-marketing contacts and exclude them from email sends until they officially become non-marketing contacts. The trainers then explain how to set someone as a marketing contact and subscribe them to receive marketing communications in HubSpot.


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