16 種風格演奏【16 號愛人 | 容祖兒】(Janet's original work)

Описание к видео 16 種風格演奏【16 號愛人 | 容祖兒】(Janet's original work)

16 年前(2004 年),我寫了「16 號愛人」這首歌給祖兒。知道有很多人都喜歡這首歌,真的很開心。事隔多年,今次我想嘗試在鋼琴把這曲用16 種風格彈出來!會變成怎樣呢?(笑)

I wrote the melody of "16th Lover" in 2004 (16 years ago!), which is a Canto pop song sang by Joey Yung. I am so happy that many people like this song. Today I would like to play this song in 16 different styles with piano. :)
Hope you'll like this little experiment !

Credits to The 440 Studio (Hong Kong)

Here's my piano playing channel started in 2024 Feb:
   / @pianoparadise-  

Also played other songs from Joey :
071 容祖兒 - 九秒九 :    • Joey Yung 容祖兒 - 九秒九 | One Take 鋼琴版 07...  
075 容祖兒 - 世上只有:   • Joey Yung 容祖兒 - 世上只有 | One Take 鋼琴版 0...  
090 容祖兒 - 與貓共舞:   • Joey Yung 容祖兒 - 與貓共舞 | One Take 鋼琴版 0...  
035 容祖兒 - 煙霞 (Smoky emotional version) :    • Joey Yung 容祖兒 - 煙霞 | One Take 改編鋼琴版 0...  
032 容祖兒 - 啜泣 (desperated version) :    • Joey Yung 容祖兒 - 啜泣 | One Take 改編鋼琴版 0...  

【16 號愛人】原曲 Original song:    • 容祖兒 Joey Yung《16號愛人》[Official MV]  

【16 號愛人】


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我是彈琴和拉小提琴的啦啦媽 Janet。

I am a musician mum who plays piano and violin.
if you have any music request, please welcome to leave me a message :)

thanks for watching!
please subscribe to our channel , more more music is coming soon !

----------------- ( ^_^ ) -----------------

To know more about me and baby Skylar:

IG:   / janet_yung  
IG:   / wonglala.skylar  

FB:   / fantasimoon  


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