What is WMS in Indian Railways?What is workshop manufacturing suspense ?

Описание к видео What is WMS in Indian Railways?What is workshop manufacturing suspense ?

What is WMS in Indian Railways?What is workshop manufacturing suspense ?

Workshop is in charge of all the costing and accounting of the workshop. responsible for rendering him all the assistance and cooperation that may be required by the latter. and Chief Accounts Officer (FA&CAO) of the Railway. - Ordinary Working Expenses incurred by various departments.

What is workshop manufacturing suspense?
Workshop Manufacturing Suspense

▶ It is a Suspense Head of Account under Capital (7200). It is. operated upon to accommodate expenses incurred on labour, material and on-cost charges expended on various jobs. ▶ The reconciliation of balances appearing in W.M.S. Account.

What is suspense head?
Certain intermediary/adjusting Heads of Account known as "Suspense Heads" are operated in Government Accounts to reflect transactions of receipt and payments which cannot be booked to a final Head of Account due to lack of information as to their nature, or for other reasons.

What is suspense balance?
It is a catch-all account used to temporarily hold your mortgage-related funds until your mortgage lender or servicing firm decides how to apply or allocate those funds, such as making your property tax and homeowners insurance payments. The suspense balance refers to the amounts held in a suspense account.

Performa On costs are always expressed and levied as a percentage of Direct labour including incentive Bonus and overtime paid in that work order.

Shop Oncost. —Shop Oncost includes all oncost incurred within an accounting unit, such as a shop or a department or a section. The following are examples of such oncost: (1) Wages, overtime.

What is suspense head?
Certain intermediary/adjusting Heads of Account known as "Suspense Heads" are operated in Government Accounts to reflect transactions of receipt and payments which cannot be booked to a final Head of Account due to lack of information as to their nature, or for other reasons.





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