How To Fix League Of Legends DirectX Error Easily (2016)

Описание к видео How To Fix League Of Legends DirectX Error Easily (2016)

Guys im really sorry but my obs (screen recorder) didnt wanna show the driver booster window im sorry again!!but it wasnt something really special to check out,its really easy to use it anyway!(sorry for my bad english too rolf).

Get Driver Booster for free (but you can either pay doesnt matter) here:
Helpful links:
Link 1:
Link 2:    • ►How to fix LoL DirectX Error in 5 ST...  
Link 3:

Or you can send a ticket to Riot here:

Hope it will work!! If you find it helpful like and comment for any problems!Dont forget to subscribe for more!^v^.Good luck and ill see you next time!:D.You can find me on:

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➣Twitter:   / _f1zzy_  
❤Youtube:    / @f1zzy517  

(you can also add me on league im really kind and anti-flamer person^v^ name: slimegr
server: EUNE)


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