Milky Way Image Edits: How to w/Starry Landscape Stacker, Lr & Ps

Описание к видео Milky Way Image Edits: How to w/Starry Landscape Stacker, Lr & Ps

Read the whole blog post here (and be sure to sign up for blog posts in your email):
Join Gabriel Biderman form National Parks at Night as he walks you through how to edit some icky Way images he made in Capitol Reef National Park at Panorama Point.

Learn how to take a series of short, high-iso images and make them the highest quality possible. The result is astoundingly detailed and crisp star points and a deep, sigh Milky Way, plus a detailed and natural looking foreground with much less noise.

#nightphotography #Milkyway #starrylandscapestacker #nationalparks #postprocessingtutorial


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