LN is out of the top 50, so here's NIGHTMARE FUEL (potential top 1 demon)

Описание к видео LN is out of the top 50, so here's NIGHTMARE FUEL (potential top 1 demon)

So, ive got alot of explaining to do. Mainly with "where is the LN update / redeco" and to that id say, it was never meant to be. I have come to accept that I cant make LN the way I want it, and thats okay, not every level is perfect, and it doesnt have to be. I solely wanted to it make people happier, but alas, I cant make everyone happy as I thought I could years ago when planning it.

The mods wont let me update the actual level, unless theres a bug in which I have had it updated before but those arent important. Whats important to me is still being able to meet my needs as well as those who support me. So I decided to combine a superbuffed version of LN, and combine it with another layout I previewed on my channel a while ago. This is aiming to be top 1, and im really looking forward to it. Lucid Nightmares fell off the top 50, which is crazy, but you know me, I wanted a number 1 demon for so long, now would be a good time to make one.

Im gonna need some people to help on this, as theres 19 parts that need decorating :v

Currently, Rin04 is set to verify this, and is helping me cohost so thanks to them for that :)

Anyways, hope you guys enjoy.


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