Schiit Audio co-founder Jason’s surprise reaction to Magnepans that have bass! (No, not the LRS+)

Описание к видео Schiit Audio co-founder Jason’s surprise reaction to Magnepans that have bass! (No, not the LRS+)

THE WOOFERS ARE PLAYING THE ENTIRE TIME IN THIS VIDEO. Jason from Schiit Audio listened to the new Magnepan Woofer prototype at the Texas Audio Roundup. This video captures his reactions.

I did allow sound to be captured here, although I do not believe it is a valid representation of what was heard, nor ever is in cases like this. However, in this case I do think it gives you as viewers a good depiction of what was going on in the room with these woofers particularly. Now I will say, when this was uploaded to YouTube, it appears YouTube did not pick up all the frequencies that this video was able to reproduce before having been uploaded.

Interview with Jason of Schiit Audio
   • Interview - Texas Audio Roundup - Jas...  

Interviews with Wendell of Magnepan, and more about the woofers being demonstrated:
   • Interview - Texas Audio Roundup - The...  
   • Interview - Texas Audio Roundup - New...  

Schiit Audio


Shown in video:
Magnepan LRS+
Magnepan Ultra Wide Band Woofer Prototype

Any support helps!
A little from multiple people helps pay for improving video and audio equipment, video editing software, and my ability to attend audio events to cover the shows.

  / theaudiobelle  

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