Linux Networking #6 - Layer 3 Routing Part 2 Routing and Bridging demo

Описание к видео Linux Networking #6 - Layer 3 Routing Part 2 Routing and Bridging demo

In this video we will conclude our Linux networking series with both routing and bridging demos. All of the details for the build will be shown including the hypervisor config, network interfaces, YAML configuration for all three nodes and the sysctl.conf file.

Along the way we will go over some troubleshooting tips and what to look for when your build breaks.

Here is the first video in the Linux networking series:    • XML, JSON, YAML and Linux Networking ...  
Linux command line network config:    • Linux networking #2 - host configs, t...  
YAML and netplan:    • Linux networking #3 - lshw and ethtoo...  
Linux Bridging:    • Linux networking #4 - Bridging, virtu...  
Linux Routing part 1:    • Linux Networking #5 - Layer 3 Routing...  

Host Routing in-depth:    • Everyday IPv4 Addresses and Host Routing  
R&S Chapter 2:    • O'Reilly Packet Guide to Routing and ...  

As another reference, here is the Ubuntu networking page:

Books and other products for networkers

Packet Guide to Core Network Protocols:

Packet Guide to Routing and Switching:

Packet Guide to Voice over IP:

Network Engineering Fundamentals:

Advanced Network Engineering:

Virtualization, Networking, and Storage:


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