
Описание к видео #MundusLife

Feeling overwhelmed by school, social relationships or any other issue while living in Aarhus? No panic! Every Mundusian across the different cohorts felt the same emotions you're feeling right now, be them anxiety, stress, homesickness or sadness...

Embarking on a two-years master's degree abroad is not easy and sometimes can feel like a rollercoaster of emotions, but Giovana and Sandra are here today to outline for you all the possibilities for seeking free support as a student in Aarhus plus some good tips to get through the tough winter season.

Useful links:
Social and Psychological Counselling "Studenterradgivningen" https://srg.dk/en/
Student Chaplains https://studerende.au.dk/en/studies/s...

Recorded and edited by Giovana Faria (Brazil) and Sandra Zialcita (Philipines).


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