Emberwood - Dev Log 1: The Beginning

Описание к видео Emberwood - Dev Log 1: The Beginning

For the love of adventure, story, and games, we announce our first project: Emberwood! If you're only two minutes into the video and you already think I'm way in over my head, I agree with you! This isn't just scope-creep, it's scope-avalanche. Anyway, I am excited to embark on this journey and to share progress with you! Thank you for stopping by the Cider Mill, and as always, cheers to our dreams.

Indie games referenced in the video (will insert links later):
Skald - Against the Black Priory
Stardew Valley

Helpful Udemy Courses (will insert links later):
AlexDev's 2D Platformer RPG course
GameDevTV's 2D Combat course
GameDevTV's Complete Unity 2D and C# course


Информация по комментариям в разработке