Описание к видео DAMASO PEREZ PRADO el ruletero

Dámaso Pérez Prado was born in Matanzas, Cuba in December 11, 1916. He died in Mexico City in September 14, 1989. He was a Cuban bandleader and composer. He is commonly referred to as the "King of the Mambo". Pr His mother was a school teacher, his father a newspaper man. He studied classical piano in his early childhood, and later played organ and piano in local clubs. For a time, he was pianist and arranger for the Orquesta Casino de la Playa. One of Cuba best orchestra of its time. He left Cuba because he was not able to record his new idea of the mambo. He went to Mexico and found there Benny More and both started a partnership that lasted a few years. He was nicknamed "El Cara de Foca" ("Seal Face") by the Mexican people. Benny More recorded this nickname in one of his first mambo recordings. His trade mark was the grunt UGH! EL RULETERO was a very popular mambo here he is performing for the Japan television.


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