100% Sukses! Resep PENTOL AYAM KRIWIL: Kenyal & Gurih

Описание к видео 100% Sukses! Resep PENTOL AYAM KRIWIL: Kenyal & Gurih

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00:00 : intro
01:12 : persiapan bahan (prepping the ingredients)
02:13 : membuat adonan pentol (making the dough)
03:54 : membuat saus (making the sauce)
05:07 : membentuk dan memasak adonan pentol (shaping and cooking the dough)
07:02 : mengukus pentol (steaming the Pentol)
07:16 : hidangan siap dan serving (the dish is ready to serve)

#ResepPentolKriwil #ResepPentolAyamKriwil #resepdevinahermawan


Resep Pentol Ayam Kriwil (untuk 80 pcs)

500 gr ayam giling paha
1 sdm kaldu sapi bubuk
½ sdm garam
½ sdt penyedap
4 sdt gula pasir
½ sdt merica
1 butir putih telur
1 sdm bawang putih halus
2 sdm bawang merah goreng
100 ml air es
200 gr tapioka
40 gr tepung terigu pro sedang

Bahan isian:
keju cheddar, potong kotak
cabai rawit merah iris

Bahan saus:
3 sdm saus tomat
3 sdm saus sambal
1 sdm bawang putih halus
100 ml air
2 sdt tepung terigu

Cara membuat:
1. Campurkan ayam dengan garam, kaldu sapi bubuk, gula pasir, merica dan penyedap, aduk hingga lengket
2. Masukkan air es, putih telur, bawang merah goreng dan bawang putih, aduk rata lalu masukkan tepung tapioka dan tepung terigu, aduk hingga rata
3. Didihkan air lalu kecilkan api. Untuk isian keju dan rawit, tempelkan adonan di dinding mangkuk, letakkan isian lalu bentuk bulat
4. Rebus hingga matang dan kukus selama 10 menit
5. Untuk saus, masak air dan tepung terigu, aduk rata kemudian masukkan bawang putih, saus sambal dan saus tomat, masak sesaat hingga mendidih
6. Pentol ayam kriwil siap disajikan

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Curly Chicken Pentol Recipe (yield 80 pcs)

500 g ground chicken thigh
1 tbsp beef powder
½ tbsp salt
½ tsp MSG
4 tsp sugar
½ tsp pepper
1 pc egg white
1 tbsp minced garlic
2 tbsp fried shallots
100 ml cold water
200 g tapioca flour
40 g all-purpose flour

Cheddar, cubed
Red Thai chili, sliced

Sauce ingredients:
3 tbsp ketchup
3 tbsp chili sauce
1 sdm minced garlic
100 ml water
2 tsp flour

1. Season the chicken with salt, beef powder, sugar, pepper, and MSG. Stir until sticky.
2. Add cold water, egg white, fried shallots, and garlic. Mix well, then add tapioca flour and flour. Mix well.
3. Bring water to a simmer, then lower the heat. To stuff the dough, spread some dough on the bowl wall. Place the cheese or chili on it, then shape into a bowl.
4. Boil the dough, then steam it for 10 minutes.
5. For the sauce, combine water with flour. Stir well, then add garlic, chili sauce, and ketchup. Cook for a moment until it boils.
6. Curly Chicken Pentol is ready to serve.


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