Nahuatl Past Tense Class 2 Verbs (S2E3)

Описание к видео Nahuatl Past Tense Class 2 Verbs (S2E3)

Class slides here :
Dictionary :

Patreon :
Venmo: Diego-JV

00:00:00 - Introduction
00:01:14 - Class 2 Verbs
00:03:28 - Mini Review
00:04:26 - Past Tense Examples
00:07:56 - General Rule for Class 2 Verbs
00:09:49 - Introduction to Class 2 Verbs
00:10:12 - Rules for Class 2 Verbs
00:11:08 - Rule for Verbs Ending in -hua
00:12:43 - Rule for Verbs Ending in -cua
00:14:11 - Rule for Verbs Ending in -ya
0:17:38 - Rule for Verbs Ending in -ci , -ma/-mi
0:20:53 - Practice Exercise
00:29:05 - Observing vs. Waiting
00:31:01 - Conjugating camatzacua Verbs
00:34:53 - quiza
00:39:02 - tlami
00:39:20 - Story
00:41:23 - Story Recap
0:44:05 - Introduction to Verb Classes
0:45:11 - Identifying Verb Classes
0:49:19 - Vocabulary
0:54:21 - palehuia
0:55:01 - Understanding the Verb Monequi
0:56:18 - Differentiating Between Huetzca and huetzi
0:58:43 - Understanding the Word “Caltepahtiloyan"
1:00:48 - Meaning of “huica” verb
1:01:50 - Correction of a typo
1:02:31 - Finding homework assignments
1:03:26 - Doing homework and getting help
1:05:24 - Meaning of "onca"
1:07:15 - Importance of verb roots
01:08:44 - Forming Agents
01:09:01 - Tips for Reading at Normal Speed
01:10:10 - Conclusion

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