Holy Saturday Liturgy: 15th Old Testament Reading

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This is the 15th (last) Old Testament reading from the Holy Saturday Liturgy. A very talented young man read, while the choir sings. Sung by St. Mary's choir, led by Dn. Gregory Ealy.

St. Mary's Orthodox Cathedral in Minneapolis. 
4/19/14, Divine Liturgy. 

The Fifteenth Passage

Deacon: Wisdom!
Reader: The reading from the book of Daniel. (3:1-88) Deacon: Let us attend!

"Blessed art Thou, O Lord, the God of our fathers: to be praised and exalted unto the ages. And blessed is Thy glorious, Holy Name: to be praised and exalted unto the ages. Blessed art Thou in the temple of Thy glory: to be praised and exalted unto the ages. Blessed art Thou Who beholdest the deeps and sittest upon the Cherubim: to be praised and exalted unto the ages. Blessed art Thou on the glorious throne of Thy Kingdom: to be praised and exalted unto the ages. Blessed art Thou in the firmament of heaven: to be praised and exalted unto the ages."
[Then the choirs sing the below refrain, with the verses in between.]

Refrain: Praise the Lord, sing and exalt Him throughout all the ages.

+ O all ye works of the Lord: bless ye the Lord; praise and exalt Him forever.
+ O ye Angels of the Lord, and ye Heavens of the Lord: bless ye the Lord.
+ O all ye waters that be above the Heavens, and all ye Powers of the Lord: bless ye the Lord.
+ O ye sun and moon and ye stars of Heaven: bless ye the Lord.
+ O ye showers and dew and all ye winds: bless ye the Lord.
+ O ye dews and snows, ye frosts and cold: bless ye the Lord.
+ O ye frosts and snows, ye lightnings and clouds: bless ye the Lord.
+ O ye earth, mountains and hills, and all the things which grow in her: bless ye the Lord.
+ O ye fountains, seas and rivers, whales and all that move in the waters: bless ye the Lord.
+ O ye fowl of Heaven, beasts and all cattle: bless ye the Lord.
+ O ye sons of men, bless ye and let Israel bless the Lord.
+ O ye priests of the Lord, servants of the Lord: bless ye the Lord.
+ O ye spirits and souls of the Righteous, holy and humble people of heart: bless ye the Lord.
+ O Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego: bless ye the Lord.
+ O ye Apostles, Prophets and Witnesses of the Lord: bless ye the Lord.
+ We bless the Lord: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
+ Both now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.
+ We praise, we bless and we worship the Lord.

Reader sings: "Praise the Lord, sing and exalt him throughout all the ages!"


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