Stuttering John's DC Trip Is A Debacle! (with Anthony Cumia, Shuli Egar, Kaya Orson)

Описание к видео Stuttering John's DC Trip Is A Debacle! (with Anthony Cumia, Shuli Egar, Kaya Orson)

Well it's been ten months in the making. Stuttering John finally made his long-awaited trip to Washington, DC to interview Republicans and make them look foolish. In typical StutJo fashion, he steps on a rake around every corner. Here's a fun game, drink every time John mentions how much something costs.

See "Who Are These Podcasts?" live in Nashville on May 14th -

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This is an excerpt from "Who Are These Podcasts?" episode 310 - "Nymphomercial: A Hentai Podcast"
Original air date - May 8, 2022
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