KROD - BLACK DEATH SUN (Official Music Video) 4K

Описание к видео KROD - BLACK DEATH SUN (Official Music Video) 4K

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Digital Album: Satanas Rex Inferni


Satanas Rex Inferni
Tenebrae conveniunt
Ut nox descendit
Luna plena est Et
stellae portendunt

Ignis claret Ut nox cadit Ombrae saltant In aula satanah

Flumina consumunt Ut tenebrae regnant
Calor est intensus Ut Satanas rex inferni

Scintillae lucent Ut nox transiit
Cineres manent Ut aurora frangit

Ignis exstinguitur Ut mane venit
Tenebrae defugiunt Ut Satanas rex inferni

Ille aeternus est In profundis inferni
Satanas rex inferni Dominus malignitatis

Satanas rex inferni
Imperator infernalis


1.Black Death Sun 05:18
2.Blame Me 04:45
3.Nocturnal Burns 04:16
4.Satanael 08:16
5.Prelude of Torments Pt.1 (Instrumental) 01:46
6.Morbid Pest 02:52
7.Born Again From Hell 03:58
8.Mortus in Macabrus 06:18
9.Memorial of Fallen 05:08
10.Chapel Burns 04:32
11.Prelude of Torments Pt.2 (Instrumental) 00:56
12.Satanas Rex Inferni 07:12

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Official Music Video by Backoo World Studios
Contact: [email protected]

Out Now "Satanas Rex Inferni"
@kvltundkaosproductions / More Here: ,⤵️

Bandcamp Cds Dyscography & Music Download:

Band: Krod
Album: Satanas Rex Inferni
Year: 2023
Genre: Raw Black Metal
Country: Chile
Location: Santiago
Label: Valtakunta Records, Kvlt und Chaos
Contact: [email protected]


Zabulus founder vocalist and multi-instrumentalist gave life to the solo project the year 2021, in Santiago de Chile, trying to maintain the roots of black metal without musical adornments that deviate the anti-Christians essence

Satanas Rex Inferni, released April 21, 2023
Santiago de Chile.

all rights reserved.

Lyrics by Zabulus Valtakunta.
Valtakunta Records.
Kvlt und Kaos Productions.


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