🔟 TIPS to GROWING YOUR RUST SERVER POPULATION | Rust Admin Academy Tutorial 2020

Описание к видео 🔟 TIPS to GROWING YOUR RUST SERVER POPULATION | Rust Admin Academy Tutorial 2020

GROWING YOUR RUST SERVER POPULATION is the hardest part of the job. And while there is no magic solution to making that happen, these 10 TIPS will help you get there.
Also bare in mind that there are other server owners out there that don't want you to be successful with this. The more players you have on your servers, the less players they can have on their servers. So keep that in mind, when you find resistance when asking for help to populate.
I mention a couple of websites in the video, these are the links for those websites:
⏩⏩ https://rust-servers.net/
⏩⏩ https://rust-servers.info/
⏩⏩ https://just-wiped.net/
⏩⏩ https://www.battlemetrics.com/

For great game server hosting, check out http://www.icedhost.com
Use promo code SRTBULL to save 30% on your first 2 months of service *

✅✅ Link with my socials: ✅✅
➊ https://patreon.srtbull.com
➋ https://discord.srtbull.com
➌ http://www.srtbull.com
📧 personal inquiries [email protected]
📧 business inquiries [email protected]

If you're looking to grow your channel, you need to use this tool. They have helped me get to where I am today and I will continue to use them throughout my YouTube career.

Video Editing taught by    / justalexhalford  

Special Thanks to Nick Nimmin for teaching everyone, everything there is to know about being successful on YouTube, check out his channel:
   / nicknimmin  

Offer only valid on shared game servers. Dedicated machines do not qualify for this discount.


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