X2: X-Men United: The Best X-Men Movie?

Описание к видео X2: X-Men United: The Best X-Men Movie?

While Bryan Singer’s X-Men arguably helped usher in the modern era of superhero movies, it was only considered a modest success by comic book fans. While everyone was blown away by Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, people pointed at the Matrix-inspired fight scenes, the score and costumes (particularly Storm’s wig) as things they didn’t like. The film was so successful that for the sequel, X2: X-Men United, Singer was given a bigger budget and much more freedom to make the X-Men epic he always dreamed of. The result is a movie many still consider the best of the X-Men saga, although, sadly, the teased “Dark Phoenix” follow-up would fall to a different director and result in perhaps the worst film of the series. But, for one brief shining moment in 2003, the X-Men were riding high, so let's take a look back at Bryan Singer’s X2: X-Men United in this episode of Marvel Revisited (written, narrated, and edited by Kier Gomes).

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